Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Inspiration...Seek it wherever you go.

Hey guys. I haven't blogged in bit, but lately I've spent some time setting up my Twitter account and doing a few other things to get my business moving even faster. One thing I've been focusing on is getting a little bit of inspiration, and that's what I wanted to briefly talk about.

The one thing I've been realizing is how difficult it can be at times to be inspired. Let's face can sometimes be boring, and unimaginative. It can also be hard to give yourself that kick in the ass that you need to change what is withing your power of influence. So tonight and over the last several days, I've taken the time to view as many inspirational videos as possible.

Some of the video where just on business and being an entrepreneur, and some were more on life and how you might fit into this crazy world. Though the topics were a little different, I did get the same thing out of all these videos...a wanting to push harder to reach that level of success that I've wanted, but has alluded me.

And so I listened to Jon Mroz as well as Jonothan Budd, Kiyosaki and a few others. All I can say is uplifting, uplifting. It makes you want to charge harder, and it does put things into perspective. I'll admit that I first...even sitting there alone, I felt weird. Almost as if I were sitting with a therapist, but maybe that was point. Because now I realize have less challenges then when I started. 
So all this being said. Take the time to just sit and listen to some really good inspirational videos. The few I mentioned were great. Doing so will break up the learning and bring it down some. This also reinforces a lot of the things you might be learning regarding pushing your business to the next level.

Lastly, I titled this blog entry "Inspiration...Seek it wherever you go" simply because I now realize that you can be inspired by anything around you. For example, I saw someone driving the car of my dreams last week. That inspired me to go test drive that car and put it into my mental databank. It will be mine soon enough.

So happy trails and take a moment to be inspired.


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